Functional Orthonomie and Integration
Training Institute for FOI GbR


Address and times:

The exact address of the respective course location will be given to you in the course confirmation. You can also find the address for the respective course under the heading "Course information". You will also find the exact course times for the advanced training there.

10% discount when booking a complete package (basic course part 1, part 2 and part 3)

10% discount when booking a complete package (basic course part 1, part 2 and part 3) In some course locations you now have the option of booking a complete package (basic course part 1 – 3, same course location, same course series). A discount of 10% of the course fees will be given for each part of the course. A complete package must be booked before the start of part 1 of the basic course. For organizational reasons, this is not possible in all course locations (complete package not possible in: A-Vienna, A-Innsbruck, CH-Bad Zurzach). If you book a complete package, the complete discount will be deducted from the invoice for the basic course part 3. You will continue to receive a course confirmation and an invoice for each part of the course.

If online registration is not possible because the course is already fully booked, please contact the office on the following telephone number: +49 5932 7353430. We can then put you on the waiting list for this course.


Your Details
Angaben zur Person
: Required field
** : Optional Required
!  : Prerequisite for participation in the seminar is a medical vocational training such as: doctor, physiotherapist, masseur, balneotherapists
If the invoice is to be issued to your office , please enter the name and address of the office here.
Office Details
Specialization Course
Basic training
Cranio-Fascial course
Functional manual lymphatic drainage
Manipulation Course
VViscero-fascial course
Number of selected courses: